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General Discussion:EA games soundtracks | 12 NEXTLAST | Last Post |
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|  |  |  | Posted: | Nov 18, 2005-7:45 AM | | | By: | gumdrops1(Member) | if you want some soundtracks for free, Thanks alot Sir Andy. The Chaser soundtrack rocks! LUBOMIR RUTTKAY RULES! 
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|  |  |  | Posted: | Nov 18, 2005-12:53 PM | | | By: | David Ferstat(Member) | You can also find download links to free game music here: http://home.swiftdsl.com.au/~dferstat/music/game_music.html The list is, of course, not exhaustive, and some links may be broken, as it's about a year since I posted the page, but there should still be a lot of music to get. 
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|  |  |  | Posted: | Dec 2, 2005-8:39 PM | | | By: | TerraEpon(Member) | Well, for once in a case like this, something good happened: nine of the above, including the two original MoH scores, were released on eMusic: http://www.emusic.com/label/111/111303.html Now if you don't know, eMusic provides Mp3s with NO copy protection, at sVBR (i.e., better quality than iTunes's 128s), and you even get 50 free just for signing up. At the most expensive rate, you can get tracks for as little as 25 cents a track... -Joshua 
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General Discussion:EA games soundtracks | | First Post |
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